« Elle peint comme elle chante... »

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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydawnictwo Werset
The large part of Marie Krysinska’s poetry is pictorial in the intrinsic way. The range of the references to painting, both explicit and implicit, is not less significant than the musical references. Being a musician, Krysinska is as well sensitive to the colours and lines, she makes one hear and see her poetic images. This ability lets her create “images en l’air” whose pictorial intensity is varying, from the impression to the ekphrasis. Through different painting references Krysinska reveals her rooting in the culture, enters into the continuum of aesthetic reflection, involves herself in a dialogue between arts – which incessantly lasts throughout the ages – on the synchronic and diachronic level. Consciousness which diffuses through the poetic-pictorial work of art is consequently complex and heterogenic, both individual and collective. Pictoriality becomes a code, cultural and emotional, which reinforces the work of imagination and lets one feel a twofold aesthetic satisfaction.
pictoriality, image en l'air, Krysinska, still life, ekphrasis
"Quêtes littéraires" 2015, nº 5, s. 79-87