Browsing by Author "Nowakowska, Monika"
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- ItemBiblioteka Instytutu Historii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2015) Nowakowska, Monika; Pawłowska, AnnaBiblioteka Instytutu Historii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II gromadzi, opracowuje i udostępnia książki, czasopisma, mapy z takich dziedzin jak historia, archeologia, archiwistyka, historia sztuki, kartografia, turystyka. Jako datę powołania biblioteki historycznej źródła podają rok 1918 lub 1919. Początkowo biblioteka nosiła nazwę Biblioteki Seminarium Historycznego. Księgozbiór biblioteki powiększał się zarówno drogą zakupu jak i dzięki darowiznom. Swoje kolekcje przekazali prof. Zygmunt Sułowski, prof. Stanisław Litak, prof. Wiktoria Śliwowska, ks. dr Stefan Mizera. Biblioteką kierowali kolejno Stanisław Olczak oraz Elżbieta Janicka-Olczak. The Library of the Institute of History of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin collects, describes and lends books, magazines, maps from such fields as history, archaeology, archive, art history, cartography, tourism. According to historical sources, the library was established in 1918 or 1919. Initially, the library was named the Library of the Historical Seminar. The size of the collection increased both through purchase and through donations. The books were donated, among others, by prof. Zygmunt Sułowski, prof. Stanisław Litak, prof. Wiktoria Śliwowska, Rev. Dr Stefan Mizera. The Library was run successively by Stanisław Olczak and Elżbieta Janicka-Olczak.
- ItemBiblioteki Wydziału Prawa i Nauk Społeczno-Ekonomicznych KUL w okresie II Rzeczpospolitej(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Nowakowska, MonikaDuring the interwar period at the Faculty of Law and Social-Economic Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin, there were three main sectional libraries: legal, economic and social. In these libraries there were book collections, also referred to as libraries, assigned to a particular seminar. They were treated as research aid for employees and students. Initially, they were supervised by professors, who decided on the shape of the collection as well as the selection of library staff. Over time, there appeared a position of librarian who managed the collections of all the seminary libraries. In the 1930s librarians were assigned to each section separately; and they were responsible, among others, for cataloguing books and periodicals, making the collection available, providing research information, repairing damaged books, doing bookkeeping and arranging duty hours for scholarship holders. Seminar book collections increased as new books were bought and donated. The most important donations were books offered by the Main Library of the University of Lublin and Professor A. Szymański, a lecturer from the Faculty of Law and Social-Economic Sciences.
- ItemKsięgozbiory Bibliotek Studium Zagadnień Społecznych i Gospodarczych Wsi przy Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim(Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017) Nowakowska, MonikaThe Department of Social and Economic Issues of the Rural Areas at the Catholic University of Lublin, which existed between 1946 and 1949 at the Faculty of Law as well as Social and Economic Sciences at the Catholic University of Lublin, had two collections available to its students. The first one was the Library of the Department of Social and Economic Issues of the Rural Areas, and the other one was the Library of the Scientific Circle for the students of the above-mentioned department. The main initiator of the Library attached to the Department of Social and Economic Issues of the Rural Areas was the director - prof. Czesław Strzeszewski. The selection of library collections was determined by the syllabuses for the courses which were organized in the department. The content of the courses covered mainly administrative, legal, economic and agricultural issues. The department was aimed at educating civil servants, local authorities and cooperative personnel so that they could improve the functioning of rural institutions. The libraries collected books primarily from the field of social sciences (economics, sociology, pedagogy, administration and law), agricultural sciences (agronomy, agricultural engineering, horticulture) and humanities (history, literature, ethnology). The libraries also contained a small percentage of publications in the field of technical and natural sciences. The collection was primarily financed by the Catholic University of Lublin and the Ministry of Education.