Śpiewnik „Cantus Catholici” z kolegium pijarów w Podolińcu

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Wydawnictwo Muzyczne Polihymnia, Instytut Muzykologii KUL
The Slovak-Latin Cantus Catholici hymnbook was an important means of Catholic renewal in Slovakia. This 17th-century printed book, of which only two copies are now extant, is a source of valuable information for different fields of study. Up to now, research has concentrated mainly on the hymnological and liturgical aspects of the hymnbook. Our aim is to present a broader interdisciplinary view of Cantus Catholici by joining the different approaches of musicology, slavistics and Neo-Latin philology. Being a bilingual publication, the hymnbook provides a rich source for the study of Latin-vernacular relations. Another particularly interesting aspect of the hymnbook is the way in which it affected the paraliturgical chant tradition of the Byzantine-Slavonic church in Eastern Slovakia.
kancjonały, śpiewniki katolickie, śpiewniki protestanckie, pieśń kościelna w XVII i XVIII w., Cantus Catholici, Benedykt Sőlőši SJ, Mikołaj Hausenka SchP, hymn paraliturgiczny, pijarzy, Podoliniec, Cantionale, Benedikt Sőlőši SJ, Nicolaus Hausenka SchP, paraliturgical hymns, piarists
"Annales Lublinenses pro Musica Sacra", 2014, nr 5, s. 63-88