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    The development of the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ) – study 2.
    (2024) Błachnio, Agata; Przepiórka, Aneta; Kot, Paweł; Cudo, Andrzej; Sobol, Małgorzata
    The study 2 was conducted to verify the previous results and to test the usefulness of the questionnaire in distinguishing individuals with different patterns of helping by clicking. The study included sample of n = 1,006 participants took part in the study. The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire was used in the study.
  • Item
    The development of the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ) – study 1.
    (2024) Błachnio, Agata; Przepiórka, Aneta; Kot, Paweł; Cudo, Andrzej; Sobol, Małgorzata
    The main aim of the data is to present a new measure: the Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire (HCTQ), assessing the patterns of helping by clicking. The study included data from sample of n = 349 participants took part in the study. The study 1 was conducted to determine the psychometric properties of the questionnaire. All factors of the HCTQ have good Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients. The Helping by Clicking Types Questionnaire consists of 19 items making up three subscales: People, Environment, and Animals.
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    Assertiveness Skills Scale. Study Data
    (2022-11-16) Zarzycka, Beata; Tomaka, Kamil; Król-Fijewska, Maria
    Raw data from the study. This study aimed to develop a measure of assertiveness, the Assertiveness Skills Scale (ASS). Assertiveness is the attitude of a person toward himself and other people, which means treating oneself and others with equal respect and regard for the rights. Assertiveness serves to increase self-satisfaction and good relationships with those around you. Four studies were conducted to develop the ASS. In Study 1., we generated an item pool for the ASS and established its internal structure using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In Study 2., we confirmed the internal structure of the ASS using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Study 3. examined the convergent and discriminant validity of the ASS. Study 4 examined test–retest reliability of the ASS. The psychometric properties of the ASS and the potential utility of the ASS are discussed.
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    Polish adaptation of the Flow Short Scale for board game players: a model based on the 3-faced construct validation method
    (2023-03-01) Wojtasiński, Marcin; Tużnik, Przemysław; Cudo, Andrzej
    Participants were randomly divided into three subsamples (N1 = 115; N2 = 213; N3 = 200). Exploratory analyses were conducted on the first subsample (file: FSS_subsample_1) to examine the quality of test items. Then, in the second subsample (file: FSS_subsample_2), a total of 36 models were verified for the goodness-of-fit criteria. The CFA model with two factors, fluency and absorption - but without test items 1 and 5 - has been found to have an optimal goodness-of-fit in the third subsample (file: FSS_subsample_3). The gender measurement invariance was then cross-validated on the entire sample, indicating homogeneity of the FSS at the strict invariance level. The convergent validity of both FSS subscales with the Immersion Questionnaire, tested on the entire sample, was also confirmed.
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    Raw Dataset – Measurement Invariance of Prayer Importance Scale
    (2023-01-31) Tatala, Małgorzata; Wojtasiński, Marcin
    Zbiór danych obejmuje niezbędne zmienne potrzebne do wykonania obliczeń, których wyniki zamieszczone zostały w artykule Measurement Invariance of Prayer Importance Scale: religiosity, gender, age. Są to pozycje testowe metody PIS, a także trzy zmienne będące przedmiotem analizy równoważności pomiaru: poziom religijności, płeć i wiek osób badanych.